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What is the relationship between hardware components and the different software used? Software is needed to run the computer hardware. It helps run the peripherals, loads programs, runs programs and many other duties.

Memory of the Computer is measured by the following terms for RAM memory, cache memory, hard drive, CD-RW, DVD –RW and Flash drive. 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes 1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes(kb) 1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes(mb) 1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes(gb) 1 petabyte = 1024 terabytes(tb) 1 exabyte = 1024 petabytes(pb) 1 zettabyte= 1024 exabytes(eb) 1 yottabyte= 1024 zettabytes(zb) cache.

speed that information travel throughout the computer on bus lines? The speed at which information travels throughout the computer on bus lines is measured in: – hertz (h) – megahertz (mh) – gigahertz (gh) Other hardware terms such as port, peripheral, USB port, serial port, the parallel port will be discussed.

3 main types of software and describe how they are used. systems software: Includes the operating system and all the utilities.

Three types of Software
Software consists of programs written by programmers that instruct computers to perform specific tasks. All most all PC software falls into three categories.

· Firmware(BIOS)

· Operating System(OS)

· Application Software

BIOS perform the following three important useful functions of PC.

· It boots the computer

· It validates the PC’s configuration

· It provides an interaction between hardware of the PC and its software.

OPERATING SYSTEM: Can be defined as system software which acts as interface between user and the system and manages the resources in efficient way. The primary goal of an operating system is thus to make the computer system easy to use. Secondary goal is hardware resource management.

The operating system is the most basic program in a computer. All computers have an operating system that is used for starting the computer and running other programs (application programs). The operating system performs inportant tasks like receiving input form the keyboard and mouse, sending information to the screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, as well as controlling the various units such as disk printers etc.

APPLICATION PROGRAMS: Are developed for a particular application. For example payroll package is developed to calculate salary details of employees of an organization. Application programs will be written by users. Let us assume that you are writing a C program, the compiler you are using to run this program is an example for system software. The C program which you have prepared is an example for application program.


 2024 Sept


Accounts, Adobe, Corel, PDF programs, Antivirus kind, AutoCad Family, Burning, SQL, video Converter, Music kind, Training software, Many windows OS
Mac OS X and Programs.

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